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NPMSS Usrah | Sparks of Faith Chapter 3

Time: 5.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.*
Date: 30th March 2013
Venue: LT 50, Block 50, Ngee Ann Poly. (535 Clementi Rd 599489)
Topic: Youths!
Speaker: Brother Mahathir Dawood

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh!
Sparks of Faith is BACK!

What is an Usrah?
It is a discussion open for ALL who desire to increase the understanding of Islam.

Yearning to become a better Muslim in the sight of Allah?
This month, we will be exploring deeper into the life of a Muslim youth;

• What are the challenges that the youth face today, and what are the solutions?
• What are the characteristics of the youth that are pleasing to Allah?
• What are the contributions of the youth to the Ummah?

If you want to know the answers to these questions, then come and join us! We are pleased to have Brother Mahathir Dawood to share his knowledge and experience with us, inshaaAllah.

There will also be a Q&A session open to the floor. You can ask Brother Mahathir any questions relating to the topic, or just about anything in Islam. The google doc is:



*Refreshments will be provided

May Allah grant us beneficial knowledge through this Usrah, in shaa Allah!


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